Instant technique for relieving anxiety and panic.

Instant technique for relieving anxiety and panic. #

How does it work. #

Executing proper breathing allows your body to send a signal to your brain that everything is ok. That is, your body can’t be in a panic state if your breathing is calm. To obtain such technique one has to put into practice steps given below.

Abstract. #

In a situation where you are feeling fear, anxiety, stress, panic and they are altering your mental (and therefore physical) state, consider using this simple “switch-off” technique for all of above-mentioned disturbances.

Important. #

First: do it a calm environment. Second: try to practice this whenever you feel panic or anxiety.

Practical steps. #

  1. Focus on breathing (just feel your breath)
  2. count your exhalations and inhales 1,2-3,4 (in your head)
  3. focus on counting (numbers distact from stress situation, they are neutral)
  4. Breathe by time = exhalation by time (breathe using time, because this will allow you to control the breathing pace, rhythm - no hyperventilation)
  5. lengthen the time of inhalation and exhalation (before you go to sleep - gradually slow down the breathing cycle time frame, that is, if you breathe in and out in 4 sec time frame, try to extend it to 6 secs).
  6. relax with each exhalation (you can imagine you have a heated gas in you, and each breathing out releases this gas, thus relaxing your body; it is just an example, possibilities are only limited by your imagination).
  7. think about the negative situation (this is what psychology calls Desensitization, simply put training yourself to become numb for bad thoughts. You think you are going to die in your sleep which causes panic. Well, so be it.) Think about negative situation and then we breathe, making our reaction to this situation less intense.

Most important. #

Practice Practice Practice until this become your second nature. Then got to field, for example you socially anxious then got to crowded place. And so on.

Why is this important. #

Constantly changing your behavioral pattern (reaction) will change your general emotional state. In a long run this will rebuild your life.

Before #


After #


Instant technique for relieving anxiety and panic


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